Welcome to johnsudbury.co.uk
Welcome to January 2025
This website is Private! please respect my copyright.
You will need a fast internet connection for this site. "Chrome for Mac
Okay with that out the way let me introduce myself in as few words
as possible. I'm John Sudbury I live in the West Midlands of the UK. I have a
Home Studio where I record videos for
this site and my YouTube channel (soon). I am 64 years old or young,
married to Patricia for 34 years and have four beautiful children 2-boys
2-girls. I also have a daughter from a previous relationship, all are
grown now with children of their own giving me six grandchildren.
About me and my interests
By the very name of this domain I intended it to be a reflection
of my personal interests and hobbies. I’m an electrician by trade of over
35 years. I am registered as disabled due to reasons I will not go into
I do however have type-2 diabetes. I take opioid pain-killers for a back
injury. Religiously I am an "enclosed creationist" I believe in the book of Genesis but I don't consider myself a Christian
I'm more Agnostic!
I have a You Tube channel of which I would like to upload some
videos of electrical subjects such as repairs and “how to” videos, I have
amassed an extensive amount of knowledge over the years it would be a
shame to let it all go to waste, passing on my knowledge would be a good idea even if I
reach only a few younger people it would be helpful.
There will be more pages added to this site as it progresses. At
the moment I'm following this "Plandemic" as much as possible, my
belief in all this is the "virus" is just a flu virus being made out to be
something deadly to persuade people into taking the vaccines! for some
reason the vaccines are being pushed upon the people soon to become
I spend a lot of time in my studio researching subjects that are
suspect or sound too good to be true! I'm the worlds greatest conspiracy
theorist I don't believe anyone has been to the moon, I don't believe in
satellites, I'm very suspicious of 5G, I believe all unexplained
going's-on such as ghosts are demonic rather than spirits of the dead, my
list goes on.
For those of you in the know I code my videos in
HTML5 mp4 so that most
browsers will play them, however, I haven't managed to get this website to
show properly on mobile devises yet, iPads and Tablets are fine but not
phones! it's best to view this site with your phone on it's side view.
What is this site about? Trying to find the real reason behind all
the fake news and lies that the "controlled governments" of the world
spew-out on a regular bases. As I've just mentioned my focus is the
"pandemic" and mainstream media lies. Never before in my lifetime have I
seen something so obviously made-up as this pandemic, it defies all logic?
"you can catch the virus yet show no symptoms" After taking both vaccines
you can still catch the virus? what's the point in the vaccines if they
don't protect you? It appears the vaccines do more harm than good, some
people have died or have adverse reactions to vaccines just like the MMR
vaccines were found to cause Autism.
It's becoming clear that these vaccines are part of the Bill Gates
genocide of the human race, I can't believe so many people were foolish
enough to be talked into taking an experimental drug! But don't believe
the numbers! when you see on the mainstream media numbers like 6.5 million
people have now been vaccinated! that is clearly a lie, you could probably
half that number, they boost the numbers so as to make you think "if all
those people have had it I will too" don't be fooled.
Next comes the war between the vaccinated and the non vaccinated.
A Multimedia Website
This is a multimedia website which uses video and audio to portray it's information to whomever
visits. If by chance you like what you see and would like to help out by
donating a small sum (every little helps) please feel free to click
here and donate. My wife is in charge of the funds.
The list of videos below are my personal vlog's. I'll try to
upload as often as possible thus keeping you up to date on my conspiracies. Some
videos may be about other subjects relevant at the time of recording... news,
family, etc.
- Vlog .... Studio Update
- Vlog ....
- Vlog ....
- Vlog ....
Below you can listen to pod-casts of interest, some Scientific, others from the News or Drama sometimes "unusual music" I like. All very interesting and well worth listening to so keep your ears on the space below. Headphones are advised for better listening pleasure.
Your browser does not support the HTML5 audio element if there's no player
I'm not a professional I do this for a hobby as
my studio grows I'm able to do more, I spend a lot of time in my
studio it's a "man thing".
If you would like to get in touch you can follow me on FB and my FB
group "People Against Vaccines"
My "John Sudbury Show" is not always about the same subject,
sometimes I just talk about things that are family orientated.
All arguments I put forward are of my own beliefs and not of any
member of my family or friends.
This site is always being updated so pop back whenever you can for
more videos and news.
I am always loading links to great Music, Drama, and Documentary.
Check the links below
would love to know what you think so please get in touch you can
contact me at
onemanandamicrophone99@gmail.com text or chat. serious callers only please
you pay the bill.
Enjoy my site.